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Tea and rice

One of the most important grains and food items in the world is rice, which is a staple food for half of the world’s population. There are tens of thousands of types of rice in the world, which generally fall into two groups: “japonica” rice with the scientific name Oryza sativa japonica and “indica” rice with the scientific name sativa indica.

Iranian varieties of rice include Taram, Cheram, Dabo, Sadri (black tail, yellow tail, red tail), Binam, Ali Kazemi, etc. cited.

The amount of rice cultivation in Iran:

First Place : Mazandaran province (938730.19) – Second place: Gilan province (741241.9) – third place: Golestan province (229,454.99) – Fars province ranks fourth in terms of production.

High-quality rice is grown in Mazandaran and Gilan provinces, and high-yielding rice is grown in other provinces. In Parsabad, Moghan, most of the high-quality cultivars have a special rank in terms of the richness of nutritional elements (iron, zinc, calcium, etc.) due to the hot climate of the region compared to other regions of the country. Also, native Lanjan rice is one of the aromatic rices, which is known as Lanjan rice and is found in Isfahan province.