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Stages of rice production

The stages of rice production include, in order, the preparation of rice seeds, the preparation of the treasury (a small part of the agricultural land in which the germinated seeds are planted to become seedlings), the cleaning of the treasury land, the planting of seeds in the treasury, plowing and fertilizing the main land, harvesting. Transplanting from the treasury is planting seedlings in the main land, irrigation and weeding, spraying and harvesting rice and combine harvesting. After these steps, the rice is transferred to the factory and other steps are done in the factory.

  • Preparing the treasury for rice planting: Since rice planting in Iran is generally carried out by the planting method, farmers prepare the treasury in the autumn season, about 6 months before the start of the rice planting operation.
  • Germinating rice seeds: Farmers keep some of their previous year’s rice seeds in a dry and suitable place, away from any animals and mice, in the form of paddy or clusters. Then, in April of the new year, they germinate the last year’s seed by performing a special operation, and the germinated seed is ready to be planted in the ground (treasury). The germination stage of rice takes about 10
  • Planting germinating seeds in the treasury: this stage is done from the beginning of April and after the germination stage, and it lasts about 25 to 30 days, that is, until the middle of May.
  • Transplantation from the treasury to the main land: After the seeds grow about 20 cm and each seed has 4 or 5 leaves, they should be pulled from the treasury land slowly and by hand and taken to the main land for planting.days.
  • Planting seedlings in the main land: Transferring the seedlings from the treasury to the main land for planting operations is called transplanting. The seedlings are planted in multiples and the number of seedlings placed together as well as the distance of each group of seedlings from the surrounding groups depends on the type of seedlings.

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